
Stories to me are everything. Long before we are born and well after we die stories are what shape us and everything around us. Stories drive our conversations and they are what our relationships, personal narrative and general outlook are hinged on. Great epics shouted through boardrooms and news channels dictate the current state of world affairs and small personal tales spun in barely more than a whisper are what we hang our most intimate relationships on. 

Telling stories is my absolute favourite thing in the world, closely followed by listening to them. I love to write, I love to create worlds and populate them with little characters, to fill out their backgrounds, to fall in love with them and just like that sweep them away to move onto the next, only to one day find them again, dust them off and create an even more intricate web for them to weave through. 

Writing for me is when I'm at my happiest and here is where I'd like to share some of that. This isn't going to be some highly polished collection of published works, I'm not some bearded knob sitting with a twenty dollar latte stating 'oh woe I cannot possibly allow anyone to read it before it is ready', grow up, you're not JK Rowling trying to hide the ending of Harry Potter, you're a spotty hipster in an overpriced coffee shop. Here I'm going to share everything, some stuff I think is done, some stuff I'm working on and some stuff that honestly should have been binned before even beginning (which is probably most of it). For me the process is sometimes more entertaining than the finished project and so I'd love for people to see my process, get a feel for how I write and how worlds come together before I even realise they do myself. 

Currently I'm writing in 4 different genres: Sci Fi (where most of my short stories are based), Historical (where I'm working on a series of Novellas), Other (any random thing that comes to my head and doesn't fit to one of my other categories)  and Non-Fiction (My pretentious name for my blog)