What is this?

An eternal work in progress. It's an experiment first and an outlet second. It all stems from a personal realisation that extended to a wider one that encompassed those around me. That realisation was:


I am an extremely dull person.

I know, I know it's not exactly the best way to describe a website where you hope to have some kind of audience, but it's true, if you were to look at my life on a piece of paper all you would think is "FUCK. This person is a shade of grey so inconspicuous that all my eyes want to do is look away." 

The thing is I, like so many others in my situation, don't think I am that dull. Everyone I know who works or lives near me, none of them are as dull as the paper trail their lives leave behind says they are. We've been whittled down to the things we spend the day doing - excel spreadsheets, dull lunches and printing emails - but no-one is that boring, everyone has a fascination. My CV may be about as interesting as a stack of paper napkins but it's the things that are not on it that defines who I am.

That is the point of this exercise, this project. It's to keep those things alive and showcase the fact that just because your CV says you're proficient in Database Analysis doesn't mean you aren't also proficient as an Oil based Painter (I know that I'm not but this isn't only about me). It's a way of exercising that creative part of ourselves that would otherwise get neglected, it's a way of pushing a little colour through the grey lines of the everyday 9-5 and it's a way really to just have a bit of fun, I hope you have a bit of fun here too. 

Who is Hector Ferris?

I am doing my best to remove personal accreditation from this project as much as possible and as such I haven't attached my name to it at all. That being said, the shrewd amongst you may notice that posts are authored by 'Hector Ferris'. Hector is my creation, the personification of a creative side given an online presence whilst the black and white version of me gets on with living in between the lines. His name is taken from one of the great tragic heroes of mythology, Hector of Troy, the long suffering and ever loving big brother of Paris and maybe that gives a little insight into who I am. The surname Ferris? Well I can't reveal all my secrets. Just yet...