
Monthly Book Review - What if Cats Disappeared from the World?

Monthly Book Review - What if Cats Disappeared from the World?

This was an… interesting read. I’ve read a few reviews online since finishing this book, all gushingly positive (as I often am) and with rarely a bad word to say about it. Now I’m not saying that I hated the book or even didn’t like it I just felt it was very… middle of the road, not because it was badly written nor because it had any poor topics but in all honesty it felt slightly like it was a victim of itself. I’ll try and explain, if language allows.

Monthly book review - This is Going to Hurt

Monthly book review - This is Going to Hurt

Comedy writing is extremely difficult to achieve. It is hard to make someone laugh out lout in a public space simply from something they have read. Likewise, emotionally powerful writing is extremely difficult to achieve. It is hard to make someone burst into tears in a public space simply from something they have read. To be able to do both, on the same page, within the space of 30 seconds, whilst delivering an important and powerful message now that is a rare talent.

Monthly book review - The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring

Monthly book review - The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring


I know I know, it's an old book, it's been reviewed to death. There's movies made and everyone basically has an opinion of it already. To be honest it isn't even the first time I've read it. I've also read several other books this month but really... Come on... It's The Lord of the Rings! How could I not write about it?

Monthly Book Review - Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Monthly Book Review - Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This was an incredible story. I’d like to make a point of that as every other review I’ve read for Chimamanda’s star-crossed love epic seems to plough right in with the social commentary aspects of the story and though these are of course vital to the book and what gives it such clout when sitting on your bookshelf, none of that would mean a damn if the story wasn’t superb. And my word is it superb not just for me but for one of the widest ranging audiences I think a book could possibly have.