
Digital Photography - Norfolk 2020

When you can’t fly away, drive away! There’s never a dull moment in a boat where nothing is tied on correctly and no-one knows what they’re doing. Again, these were mostly portraits so I’ve left them out, but hopefully some nice beaches and sunsets keep you entertained.

Digital Photography - Lockdown

I’ve mostly been practicing my portrait photography during lockdown and I’m not overly keen on sharing those publicly so enjoy some scrappy shots of dogs and the back of my girlfriend’s head.

Portra 400 roll 5 - Winter 2019/20

And now a little colour from my busy breaks in the city.

Ilford XP5 roll 1 - Winter 2019/20

It’s been a busy few months here so I’m afraid I haven’t been posting as much as I’d like. Luckily I have still been able to get out and about with my camera, here is the result.

Digital Photography - Venice 2020

Digital Photography - Tuscany

A pleasant escape to the wine soaked hillsides of Tuscany

Digital Photography - August 19

A little escape to a small hut on the river where I discovered that Fishing is hard.

Ilford HP5 Roll 7 - May and August 2019

Ilford HP5 Roll 7 - May and August 2019

I lost my camera, but the good news is I found it again. Also who goes to a Central London Pub on a horse and cart?

Monthly Book Review - The Beautiful Bureaucrat

Monthly Book Review - The Beautiful Bureaucrat

Most books you think are good have a good story. A natural and kind progression, something that the reader can be sympathetic, and something they enjoy. Most books that are considered an ‘enjoyable read’ will couple emotive and exciting writing with good story and make the reader happy to be reading that book. This book is a notable exception: it was very good but it absolutely did not make me happy.



Well how best to round off two weeks of outdoors adventure? Why, with a mini city break of course! The perfect way to ease ourselves back into the hectic London lifestyle after our fresh air overload. Portugal offers several exciting cities, however given that we had already been to Lisbon this year; Porto was clearly the obvious choice.

Digital Photography - Portuguese Territories part 3, Porto.

And to polish off the trip we had a lovely little jaunt into one of the sweetest cities I’ve ever seen. Also very hilly, really good for those calves again… Part 3: Porto



The fantastic thing about a three part trip is that it feels like three separate holidays, after two and a bit weeks away I’ve felt like I’ve managed to squeeze in a whole years worth of travel. Three places, three very different experiences have become stand-alone events in my mind that I remember as distinctly as though they were years apart.

Digital Photography - Portuguese Territories part 2, Madeira

My calves are still sore from doing that fucking hike… Worth it for the view though. Plus I don’t think I’ve ever stayed somewhere with a more dramatic sunset.

The Azores

The Azores

Yet again, here I sit, back in London, a nice olive glow warming my skin as I tap away at my work computer and serving as a healthy reminder f the excitement I’ve had over the past few weeks. Strangely it doesn’t feel so bad being back, having experienced what I did during what was one of the better holidays of my life.

Digital Photography - Portuguese territories part 1, the Azores

Volcanoes and hot spas and realising how unfit I am… Part 1: The Azores.

Monthly Book Review - The Alchemist

Monthly Book Review - The Alchemist

What I thought would be a short and sweet fable here from Paulo Coelho, suggested to me for my monthly Book club, has actually hit rather closer to home than I expected. So much so in fact that after reading it once in less than a day, I read it again the day after, I then purchased the audiobook so that I could have Jeremy Irons growl it to me for another go over on my way into work.