


Well how best to round off two weeks of outdoors adventure? Why, with a mini city break of course! The perfect way to ease ourselves back into the hectic London lifestyle after our fresh air overload. Portugal offers several exciting cities, however given that we had already been to Lisbon this year; Porto was clearly the obvious choice.



The fantastic thing about a three part trip is that it feels like three separate holidays, after two and a bit weeks away I’ve felt like I’ve managed to squeeze in a whole years worth of travel. Three places, three very different experiences have become stand-alone events in my mind that I remember as distinctly as though they were years apart.

The Azores

The Azores

Yet again, here I sit, back in London, a nice olive glow warming my skin as I tap away at my work computer and serving as a healthy reminder f the excitement I’ve had over the past few weeks. Strangely it doesn’t feel so bad being back, having experienced what I did during what was one of the better holidays of my life.



Damn Mediterranean Nations and their stupid sexy people and stupid sexy buildings and stupid sexy attitudes to life. Makes you just want to pack it in and go live in a rooftop apartment with pretty views of an ancient and historical city whilst smoking big cigars and drinking fortified wine.

Digital Photography - Lisbon

Digital Photography - Indonesia part 3: Komodo and Flores

Indonesia - part 3

Indonesia - part 3

There’s not much to preface this with other than that this felt like where the real ‘travel’ began. Not to rain on Bali’s parade but it’s suffered from its own success in that it no longer feels like a true adventure destination. It’s been sanitised and watered down and designed to appeal to the westerners that tour there so much so it feels its lost a lot of the charm that had initially attracted them in the first place. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t fantastic, but it missed that alien spark that I had come searching for. This final section had more than just the spark.

Digital Photography - Indonesia part 2: Ubud

Indonesia - part 2

Indonesia - part 2

So this part should probably be prefaced with the fact that just before I left for Indonesia I decided it would be a super fun idea to go frolic in some wild flower meadows and contract Lyme disease. Much to my surprise, it was not in fact super fun and was in fact a complete inconvenience.

Digital Photography - Indonesia part 1: Gili Trawangan



Iceland is beyond comprehension. I like to think of myself as being very imaginative. I like to create little worlds in my head, the wackier the better, on a pretty regular basis. The only type of dreaming I do is lucid, I write stories about my dreams and the fanciful places my head takes me to. My imagination even breaks into the real world at times in the form of my habit of greatly over exaggerating even the most mundane stories, though this probably isn't something to brag about.