
Portra 400 roll 4 - April 2019

Apologies for the lack of action this month, I’ve been moving house amongst other less fun things that have taken up all of my time. Here’s a nice day’s wander around the city on a sunny day.

Digital Photography - Lisbon

Digital Photography - December 18

Digital Photography - Norfolk August 18

A lovely weekend spent on England’s shoulder.

Portra 400 roll 3 - April 18

My film camera has been in hibernation for a while in favour of some digital shots. I've been trying to nail editing down but got bored/brilliant so it's back to film. Note the ridiculous variation from snow to sun in the space of two weeks. Good old England.

Digital Iceland 3 - The People

My intrepid travelling companions

Digital Iceland 2 - Reykjavik

A city on the sea amidst ice and fire.

Digital Iceland 1 - The Landscape

6 Days of Ice and Fire.

Digital February 18

Kodak Ektar 160 roll

The colours are deeper, the blacks are blacker but it's so much harder to use! Still, this was the first roll that I (almost) managed to get the full 36 photos out of so clearly things are improving. That or I've learnt to leave my camera at home when I'm drinking... Anyway I had a lot of fun with this roll in both London and sunny Liverpool. 

For the full film gallery click here

Portra 400 roll 2 (January 18)

It was mostly personal pics this time around, but I snapped off a few as I wandered around too.

For full film gallery click here

Portra 400 roll 1 (October 17)

I didn't put much stock in colour film until I found Portra 400, and now I'm in love. 

For full film gallery click here