portra 400

Portra 400 roll 5 - Winter 2019/20

And now a little colour from my busy breaks in the city.

Portra 400 roll 4 - April 2019

Apologies for the lack of action this month, I’ve been moving house amongst other less fun things that have taken up all of my time. Here’s a nice day’s wander around the city on a sunny day.

Portra 400 roll 3 - April 18

My film camera has been in hibernation for a while in favour of some digital shots. I've been trying to nail editing down but got bored/brilliant so it's back to film. Note the ridiculous variation from snow to sun in the space of two weeks. Good old England.

Portra 400 roll 2 (January 18)

It was mostly personal pics this time around, but I snapped off a few as I wandered around too.

For full film gallery click here

Portra 400 roll 1 (October 17)

I didn't put much stock in colour film until I found Portra 400, and now I'm in love. 

For full film gallery click here