


Damn Mediterranean Nations and their stupid sexy people and stupid sexy buildings and stupid sexy attitudes to life. Makes you just want to pack it in and go live in a rooftop apartment with pretty views of an ancient and historical city whilst smoking big cigars and drinking fortified wine.

Why Brexit will be a good thing (just not for me)

Why Brexit will be a good thing (just not for me)

Pitchforks down, I know I know, how dare I, a left leaning blogger, even imply that Brexit will actually be a positive move. Surely this populist, exclusionist, isolationist decision can only be a colossal catastrophe for both the Nation and the World. Well I am many things but most of all I am an optimist, and here I have found the silver lining, and in doing so I can confirm that this is not a catastrophe at all, rather this is potentially the forward step that the World needs. Notice I said World there, the Nation, unfortunately, is very much not included in this step.