Digital Photography - Norfolk 2020

When you can’t fly away, drive away! There’s never a dull moment in a boat where nothing is tied on correctly and no-one knows what they’re doing. Again, these were mostly portraits so I’ve left them out, but hopefully some nice beaches and sunsets keep you entertained.

Why Brexit will be a good thing (just not for me)

Why Brexit will be a good thing (just not for me)

Pitchforks down, I know I know, how dare I, a left leaning blogger, even imply that Brexit will actually be a positive move. Surely this populist, exclusionist, isolationist decision can only be a colossal catastrophe for both the Nation and the World. Well I am many things but most of all I am an optimist, and here I have found the silver lining, and in doing so I can confirm that this is not a catastrophe at all, rather this is potentially the forward step that the World needs. Notice I said World there, the Nation, unfortunately, is very much not included in this step.

A Rambling Observation on the Nature of London

A Rambling Observation on the Nature of London

London London London. A hulking grey seething mass of out of time buildings, winding streets and tightly clipped accents. Of fast paced walking and faster conversations muttered into a telephone. For the average young British person London lives in the psyche, it is forever there just in the back of your mind, beckoning you, letting you know that no matter how hard you try, chances are you will end up living there at one point or another, slaving away under it’s great whip comprised of high-speed broadband cables and intern’s tears.