
Cosmology - Why the world needs Brian Cox

Cosmology - Why the world needs Brian Cox

On Sunday night, a little hungover, a little groggy, I had the pleasure of being invited to see Professor Brian Cox giving a talk about the Universe. What I initially thought was going to be a lecture in a small hall turned out to be something rather more than that.

Stars - for Stephen

Stars - for Stephen

A star is an incredible thing. Tiny pinpricks of light which speckle the night sky, humanity has perpetually been fascinated by them. Holes in the firmament, permanent affixations to the celestial sphere, guiding beacons for lost travellers, nuclear power-stations of colossal scale, the twinkle in a lovers eye after a particularly bad pun; history is alive with descriptions of them given by scholars and simpletons alike from all walks of life.

The Beauty of The Flower, or the perceived separation of Science and Creativity

The Beauty of The Flower, or the perceived separation of Science and Creativity

I was listening to a song the other day (thank you Spotify Discover Weekly) called 'Red' by Phoria. It's a nice piece, floating ambient piano coupled to a clapped beat and slightly breathy singer, it's a good song to listen to when you're thinking about other things. Halfway through the song though, blooming from the gentle wailing vocals comes a deep, soothing voice.

"..The beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me, too.."